best365官网登录 certification for zero waste
Save on operational costs with best365官网登录
best365官网登录 certified spaces are environmentally responsible, more resource efficient 和 help turn waste into savings 和 additional income streams. 通过闭合循环, 减少温室气体排放, 管理风险, 减少垃圾和污染, 本地资源再投资, create jobs 和 add more value for their company 和 community. best365官网登录 also certifies events to improve their sustainability. 探索 best365官网登录项目目录 和 查看真实定价.
用best365官网登录注册一个项目 使用best365官网登录注册一个投资组合
bt365真人 is available for any physical facility 和 their operations, including buildings owned by: businesses, 物业经理, 学校, government agencies 和 nonprofits. For event eligibility, see the Guide to Event bt365真人 below. For construction eligibility, please reference our best365官网登录 for Construction 项目 Pilot page.
A best365官网登录 project's goal is to divert all solid waste from the l和fill, incineration (waste-to-energy) 和 the environment. Facilities achieve certification by meeting seven minimum program requirements 和 attaining at least 31 points 在 best365官网登录 Application form available 在 资源页面. 查看真实价格.
- Company or project seeking certification has a zero waste policy in place
- Project has achieved an average of 90 percent or greater overall diversion from l和fill, incineration (waste-to-energy) 和 the environment for solid, non-hazardous wastes for the most recent 12 months. 减少物料转移, 重用, 回收, composted 和/or recovered for productive use in nature or the economy
- 项目符合所有联邦, 州/省, 和 local solid waste 和 recycling laws 和 regulations. 工程符合所有空气标准, water 和 l和 discharge permits required for collection, h和ling or processing of materials.
- Project has data documenting a base year of waste diversion, 和 measurements since the base year that adjust for changes in size, 业务类型和性质
- Project submits 12 months of waste diversion data to GBCI annually to keep the certification current
- Project does not exceed a 10 percent contamination level for any materials that leave the site
- Company submits a case study of zero waste initiatives to be published on this website
To register your facility or event for certification, complete the 网上best365官网登录登记表格. 访问我们的 常见问题页面 for answers to common questions. For additional questions, contact us at (电子邮件保护) to connect with a best365官网登录 team member.
The best365官网登录 certification program is an Assessor-based program that rates how well facilities perform in minimizing their non-hazardous, solid wastes 和 maximizing their efficiency in the use of resources. 查看 bt365真人指南 和 best365官网登录评级系统 在 资源页面 了解更多.
best365官网登录 precertification is an optional, incremental pathway to best365官网登录 certification that prioritizes the core actions essential to getting a successful start toward zero waste. Learn more about the precertification process by reviewing the best365官网登录预bt365真人指南 which outlines details about the process.
best365官网登录 certified projects may recertify by providing annual performance data demonstrating that the project continues to meet zero waste requirements. 项目 may also recertify 和 pursue additional points to upgrade their previous certification level gaining increased recognition. 检查 best365官网登录 bt365真人 Maintenance 和 换发新证 Guidance for more details 在 recertification 和 certification requirements.
The 真投资组合计划 offers an alternate, streamlined documentation submittal 和 verification process that leverages the similarities between multiple buildings to recognize their zero waste accomplishments. For more information, review the 真实投资组合指南 which outlines details about eligibility, the documentation submittal 和 review process, 和 more.
In addition to facilities, events are also eligible to receive certification. Eligible events include public or private organized gatherings of people at a predetermined time 和 place (such as conferences, 节日, entertainment or sporting events, 等.) best365官网登录 for 事件 certification has been adapted from the original certification program to help events reach their zero waste goals. 查看 活动技术指南 在 资源 点击此处了解更多信息.
Guide to Construction Pilot bt365真人
Construction projects are also eligible to receive certification through a recently released pilot guidance which has been adapted from the best365官网登录评级系统 to help construction projects achieve their zero waste goals. Construction projects may achieve precertification or certification, 和 eligible construction may include any completed new construction or major renovation projects. 查看 best365官网登录 for Construction 项目 Pilot resources page 了解更多.